Relaxing and soothing muscles with long, flowing strokes, applying pressure in such a way that it increases oxygen flow in the blood, releases toxins, and improves flexibility and circulation.
Pressure that works to realign the deeper layers of muscle tissues. It is especially beneficial for tense areas with contracted muscles: stiff necks, tight lower backs and sore shoulders.
Applying pressure to tender muscle tissue considered “trigger points” (knots, muscle fibers causing pain that may be the result of injury, poor posture or overexertion). Can help with sports injuries, chronic pain, muscle tension, fatigue, and more.
A massage specially designed for “Office Athletes.” Can lower stress, prevent jobrelated injuries, and improve employee productivity. The “ultimate back massage,” penetrating through all muscle layers to relieve aches, pains and tension.
Focuses on the special needs of a woman as her body goes through the changes of the childbearing year, including pregnancy, birth, & postdelivery. Supports the body through the muscular & structural changes, offering relaxation and tension relief.
Heated stones are placed on different parts of the body to help it relax & then the body is massaged with & without the stones to help it unwind even more. Applies the right amount of pressure & heat to help the body heal without feeling overworked.
Massage performed before, during or after workout to reduce swelling, fight fatigue, improve flexibility, increase blood circulation and prevent future injuries for peak performance.
A special treatment for the hands and feet which encourages health and wellbeing for the entire body. The pressure is firm and slow.